Malcolm Oliver Perry III M.D.
Do you have a high deductible OR no insurance at all?
We won't turn you away.
We charge flat, discounted rates when you pay up front at the time of service. We understand insurance policies can be confusing, and we want this visit to be as comfortable as possible.
We all know insuance plans are not as straight-forward as we may like. Many plans require a high out-of-pocket expense which costs you more money. By the end of your medical care, you may never see a dime from your insuance company. We want to help.
What we do.
We charge flat rate costs for each procedure, up-front, and easy to understand pricing. We won't run you around and our staff will always be happy to answer any questions before or after your visit.
Dr. Perry strives to provide the best care for every patient. Too many patients do not get the care they need because they do not have healthcare or their deductibles are too high. With these easy to understand costs, the patient can focus on their healthcare needs and not on their pocketbook.
Just to Clarify
Seems too easy?
How does it work?
Dr. Perry has a intelligent and caring staff that will assist you through the process. Our staff will walk you through the charges. There are NO hidden fees. Pay a flat cost when you come in, avoid confusing out-of-pocket costs, and see the doctor on YOUR time.
We know, but don't be dismayed, this is the real deal. Dr. Perry wants to extend his excellent care to everyone. Taking out the third party (the insurance company), brings you back to the good old days where healthcare revolved around the patient. Now, it does.
The prices sometimes do not cover all costs associated with recieving the most extensive healthcare from Dr. Perry. Other charges may occur as Dr. Perry decides which healthcare plan to pursue with each patient. Every cost will be throughly explained to the patient before payment, and any questions regarding the treatment plan can be directed toward our staff.
Pricing for Patients WITHOUT insurace OR Patients with high deductibles that choose to pay out-of-pocket.
Kidney Stones laser
Lithotripsy ( "shockwave" kidney stone treatment)
​Prostate Cancer
​Bladder Cancer
​Kidney Cancer
​Testerone Replacement
​Urinary Tract Infection
​Green Light Laser
​Microwave for prostate enlargement
Testis Pain
Pelvic floor evaluations for Urinary leakage